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What is Rule No 1 in Marriage?

Marriage is a sacred and legal bond between two people who vow to love and support each other for better or for worse. However, marriage is not always easy or smooth. It requires commitment, compromise, and communication. It also requires following some rules that can help the couple maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

But what is rule no 1 in marriage? Is there a universal rule that applies to all marriages? Or is it different for each couple?

In this article, we will explore some possible answers to this question.

Rule No 1: Marriage Isn't About Your Happiness
One possible answer to what is rule no 1 in marriage is that marriage isn't about your happiness. It's not about you getting all your needs met through another person. It's not about finding someone who will make you feel good all the time. It's not about having a perfect partner who will never disappoint you.

Rather, marriage is about giving and serving. It's about practicing self-denial and self-sacrifice, patience, understanding, and forgiveness. It's about putting the other person's interests above your own. It's about being loyal, faithful, and supportive. It's about growing together as a team.

This rule may sound harsh or unrealistic, but it actually reflects the true nature of love. Love is not a feeling, but a choice. Love is not selfish, but selfless. Love is not conditional, but unconditional. Love is not easy, but hard.

By following this rule, you can actually experience more happiness in your marriage than by pursuing your own happiness. You can find joy in giving rather than receiving. You can find satisfaction in serving rather than being served. You can find fulfillment in loving rather than being loved.

Rule No 1: Marriage Is About Your Happiness
Another possible answer to what is rule no 1 in marriage is that marriage is about your happiness. It's not about sacrificing your dreams or desires for another person. It's not about settling for less than what you deserve or want. It's not about living in misery or boredom.

Rather, marriage is about sharing and enjoying. It's about pursuing your passions and goals together. It's about finding someone who will make you feel alive and inspired. It's about having a partner who will challenge you and encourage you. It's about having fun together as a couple.

This rule may sound selfish or unrealistic, but it actually reflects the true purpose of marriage. Marriage is not a duty, but a gift. Marriage is not a burden, but a blessing. Marriage is not a trap, but a treasure.

By following this rule, you can actually experience more happiness in your marriage than by ignoring your own happiness. You can find joy in sharing rather than hoarding. You can find satisfaction in enjoying rather than enduring. You can find fulfillment in being happy rather than being unhappy.

Rule No 1: Marriage Is About Both Your Happiness
A third possible answer to what is rule no 1 in marriage is that marriage is about both your happiness. It's not about choosing between your happiness or your spouse's happiness. It's not about competing or compromising with each other. It's not about having a winner or a loser.

Rather, marriage is about balancing and complementing each other. It's about respecting and honoring each other's needs and wants. It's about finding someone who will make you happy and whom you can make happy. It's about having a partner who will share your joys and sorrows. It's about being best friends as well as lovers.

This rule may sound idealistic or unrealistic, but it actually reflects the true potential of marriage. Marriage is not a contract, but a covenant. Marriage is not a problem, but a solution. Marriage is not a curse, but a cure.

By following this rule, you can actually experience more happiness in your marriage than by focusing on only one person's happiness. You can find joy in balancing rather than tipping the scales. You can find satisfaction in complementing rather than conflicting with each other. You can find fulfillment in being happy together rather than being happy alone.

There are different opinions on what is rule no 1 in marriage. Some may say that it is to put the other person first; others may say that it is to put yourself first; still others may say that it is to put both of you first.

Ultimately, the best rule for your marriage is the one that works for you and your spouse. The one that reflects your values and beliefs. The one that suits your personalities and preferences. The one that helps you grow and thrive as a couple.

Whatever rule you choose, remember that marriage is a journey, not a destination. It is a process, not a product. It is a work in progress, not a finished masterpiece.

Therefore, be flexible and adaptable. Be willing to learn and change. Be open to feedback and improvement.

And most importantly, be committed and faithful. Be loving and kind. Be grateful and happy.

That is the true rule of marriage.


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