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At Court Marriage in Nepal, we ensure that your special day goes smoothly and without any stress. Our skilled team manages all aspects to en....

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When one wishes to do anything legally, have to submit all the documentation required and the same goes with court marriages in Nepal. If applicants wish to register their marriage in court have to submit the following documents.
Application that has been properly completed and signed and is in the format required;

  • original and notarized copies of applicants' citizenship certificates;
  • Original and notarized copies of witness citizenship certificates.
  • Both candidates must provide letters of recommendation from their local wards attesting to their status as single or unmarried;
  • Letters of recommendation from local ward offices for temporary addresses are required for both candidates;
  • 4 copies of passport-size photos each
  • Bank voucher equivalent to Rs 500 as a court fee

For Foreign Citizens, they need to submit the following documents in addition to registering court marriage in Nepal.

  • No objection letter from the relevant embassy or consulate to getting married in Nepal. The notary public shall translate this into Nepali and notarize it.
  • marriage-related laws in their respective country. The notary public shall translate this act into Nepali and notarize it.


Both man and woman must be unmarried or single or divorced. Both man and woman must have attained 20 years of age.

If both males and females are intended to get married legally, they can apply for court marriages in any of the 77 districts of Nepal depending on their residence or convenience.

Yes. Section 77 of the National Civil Code of 2074 requires at least two witnesses with orignial citizenship.

Any foreigner from the world can get married in Nepal. If any foreigner has a Nepali partner he/she can get married under the marriage law of Nepal. Simply 16 days are needed to complete the process of court marriage for foreigners in Nepal.

A court marriage in Nepal is a legal marriage that takes place at a court of law, rather than in a religious or cultural setting.

Yes, court marriage in Nepal is recognized by the government and is considered a valid and legal form of marriage.

Yes, couples from different religions are allowed to get married in Nepal through court marriage.

Yes, couples are required to have at least two witnesses for their court marriage in Nepal. These witnesses must be adults and must have valid identification.

Yes, couples can have a traditional or religious ceremony in addition to their court marriage in Nepal. This is known as a "civil ceremony" and is separate from the legal court marriage.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if one or both of them are not Nepali citizens. However, they may need to provide additional documentation in order to do so.

No, couples cannot have a court marriage in Nepal if they are related by blood or adoption. This is considered incest and is illegal in Nepal.

No, couples cannot have a court marriage in Nepal if one or both of them are not of sound mind. The judge must be satisfied that both parties are capable of understanding the nature and consequences of the marriage.

No, couples cannot have a court marriage in Nepal if one or both of them are underage. The minimum age for marriage in Nepal is 20 for both men and women.

No, couples cannot have a court marriage in Nepal if one or both of them are already married to someone else. This is considered bigamy and is illegal in Nepal.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they are unable to appear in person at the court. This is known as a "proxy marriage" and requires the couple to provide a written and notarized statement authorizing another person to stand in for them at the court marriage.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they are of different nationalities. 

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have a criminal record.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have been previously married and divorced. However, they will need to provide proof of their previous marriage and divorce in order to do so.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have different religious beliefs. Court marriage in Nepal is a legal union and does not require the couple to have the same religious beliefs.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have different ethnic backgrounds. Court marriage in Nepal is a legal union and does not require the couple to have the same ethnic background.


Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have different social or economic backgrounds. Court marriage in Nepal is a legal union and does not require the couple to have the same social or economic background.

Yes, couples can have a court marriage in Nepal even if they have different levels of education. Court marriage in Nepal is a legal union and does not require the couple to have the same levels of education.


Court marriage is a legal form of marriage where the couple registers their marriage at the District Court without any religious or social ceremony. It is based on mutual consent and recognition by the law.

Court marriage has some benefits such as:

  • It is quick, easy and inexpensive.
  • It does not require any parental consent or approval from the community.
  • It protects the rights of both parties in case of divorce, inheritance, property division, etc.
  • It can be done between people of different nationalities, religions, castes or cultures.

To register their marriage in Nepal, applicants need to meet the following requirements:

  • Both parties must agree to accept each other as husband and wife.
  • They must not be relatives as defined by the law.
  • Both parties must be over 20 years old.
  • A matrimonial relationship should not exist between them.

Applicants must submit the following documents for court marriage in Nepal

  • A duly filled and signed application form
  • Original and notarized copies of their citizenship and citizenship certificate of the witness
  • Four passport-sized photos of each applicant

Foreigners who wish to conduct a court marriage in Nepal must present the following additional documents:

  • A no-objection letter from their respective embassy or consulate
  • Proof of residence in Nepal for at least 15 days
  • A copy of their passport with a valid visa
  • A translation of the law relating to marriage of their respecting country

The process of court marriage in Nepal involves the following steps:

  • Both applicants fill out the application form and sign it in the presence of the court authority.
  • The court verifies all the documents, registers the application, and schedules an appointment.
  • On the appointed date, both parties and their witnesses must be present in court.
  • If all the required documents are submitted and all the legal conditions are met, the judge approves the application, and the court administration issues a certificate of marriage registration

Court marriage is valid in other countries as long as it complies with the laws of both countries. However, some countries may require additional documents or procedures to recognize a foreign marriage certificate. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with the respective authorities before traveling or settling abroad with your spouse

Yes, you can have a religious or social ceremony after a court marriage if you wish. However, it is not mandatory or legally binding. You can also choose to have only a court marriage without any ceremony.

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