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At Court Marriage in Nepal, we ensure that your special day goes smoothly and without any stress. Our skilled team manages all aspects to en....

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Civil Practice

Civil practice is the branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals or organizations that do not involve criminal charges. Civil practice covers a wide range of topics, such as contracts, torts, property, family, inheritance, human rights, and more. In this blog category, you will find articles and tips on various aspects of civil practice in Nepal, such as how to file a civil suit, what are the types of civil remedies, what are the stages of civil litigation, and how to enforce a civil judgment. You will also learn about the latest developments and trends in civil practice in Nepal and around the world.

Civil Practice's Blogs

How to Deal with Social Stigma and Discrimination after Court Marriage in Nepal: Tips and Advice

How to Deal with Social Stigma and Discrimination after Court Marriage in Nepal: Tips and Advice

Court marriage is a legal form of marriage where the couple registers their marriage at the District Court without any social or religious ceremony. It is based on mutual consent and recognition of the law. Court marriage has many benefits such as being quick, easy, inexpensive, independent, and protective of the rights of both parties. It also allows people of different nationalities, religions, castes, or cultures to get married legally without any restrictions or barriers.

10 Interesting Facts About Court Marriage Around the World

10 Interesting Facts About Court Marriage Around the World

Court marriage is a term that refers to a legal and socially sanctioned union between two people, usually performed by a civil authority such as a judge, registrar, or notary. Court marriage is different from religious marriage, which is officiated by a clergy member or a religious leader. Court marriage is also distinct from common-law marriage, which is a form of marriage that is recognized by law without a formal ceremony or registration.

How to Register a Foreign Trademark in Nepal: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Register a Foreign Trademark in Nepal: A Step-by-Step Guide

A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies the goods or services of a particular person or entity from those of others. A trademark can be a word, symbol, logo, slogan, or a combination of these elements. Trademarks help consumers to recognize and choose the products or services they trust and prefer.

What You Need to Know About Franchising a Foreign Brand in Nepal

What You Need to Know About Franchising a Foreign Brand in Nepal

Franchising is a business model that allows a person or entity to use the name, logo, products, services, and systems of an established brand in exchange for a fee and a share of the profits. Franchising can be a great way to expand your market presence, leverage your brand recognition, and generate more revenue.

How to File for Divorce in Nepal: A Complete Guide

How to File for Divorce in Nepal: A Complete Guide

Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage relationship between a husband and a wife. Divorce can be a stressful and painful process for both parties involved, as well as their children and families. Therefore, it is important to understand the divorce laws and procedures in Nepal before deciding to file for divorce.

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