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At Court Marriage in Nepal, we ensure that your special day goes smoothly and without any stress. Our skilled team manages all aspects to en....

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General Blog

General is the blog category where you will find miscellaneous topics that are not related to any specific branch of law. General topics include things like lifestyle, travel, culture, entertainment, education, health, and more. In this blog category, you will find articles and tips on how to enjoy your life in Nepal and abroad, how to cope with stress and challenges, how to improve your skills and knowledge, and how to have fun and relax. You will also learn about the latest news and events that are happening in Nepal and around the world.

General Blog's Blogs

Cyber Crime Laws in Nepal

Cyber Crime Laws in Nepal

Cyber crime is a term that refers to any illegal activity that involves the use of a computer, a network or the internet. Cyber crime can range from hacking, phishing, identity theft, online fraud, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, cyber warfare, to child pornography, cyber sex trafficking, online gambling and more.

How to Choose a Reliable and Affordable Court Marriage Service in Nepal

How to Choose a Reliable and Affordable Court Marriage Service in Nepal

Court marriage is a legal process of registering your marriage in the court of law or before the competent local authority. Court marriage is a convenient and hassle-free option for couples who want to get married without following the traditional or religious ceremonies. Court marriage also provides legal recognition and protection to your marital rights and obligations.

NRN and NRN Marriage in Nepal

NRN and NRN Marriage in Nepal

NRN stands for Non-Resident Nepali, which refers to a person of Nepalese origin who resides in a foreign country after acquiring the respective citizenship. NRN and NRN marriage is a marriage between two NRNs or between an NRN and a Nepalese citizen from Nepal.NRN and NRN marriage is a legal and valid form of marriage in Nepal, as long as the couple meets the legal requirements and follows the proper procedure for court marriage registration. In this article, we will discuss the following topics related to NRN and NRN marriage in Nepal:

Non-Resident Nepali Laws in Nepal

Non-Resident Nepali Laws in Nepal

Non-Resident Nepali (NRN) is a term that refers to a person of Nepalese origin who resides in a foreign country after acquiring the citizenship of that country, or a Nepalese citizen who resides in a foreign country for at least two years for any profession, occupation, business or employment. NRN laws in Nepal are the legal provisions that regulate the rights and obligations of NRNs in relation to Nepal.

Polygamy Laws in Nepal

Polygamy Laws in Nepal

Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. Polygamy can be of two types: polygyny, where a man has more than one wife, and polyandry, where a woman has more than one husband. Polygamy is illegal and punishable in Nepal under the civil and criminal laws. In this article, we will discuss the following topics related to polygamy laws in Nepal:

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